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DCP Wellness

As the cost of healthcare continues to plague corporations, DCP Midstream needed to reduce healthcare costs among its 3,500 employees nationwide. Our goal was to get people to be healthier without preaching or pandering to them. Instead of delivering the message through the voice of a corporation, we decided the message should come from within. Literally. “Listen to Your Body,” is a campaign that uses handcrafted felt organs to deliver messaging in a disarming, yet likable way. 2013 results included program participation by over two-thirds of the company.


2014 ADCD Annual Show | 2013 Denver Fifty Award Winner | 2014 BMA Gold Key Award 

Client: DCP Midstream | Agency: gyro | Art Direction & Design: Kristan Butler | Copywriter: Justin Horrigan | Creative Director: Aaron Stern | Photographer: Jon Rose | Felt Organ Artist: Sarah Mandell